Some rangers are still searching for Twitter instructions in their Mission 66 manuals (NPS crest at Wind Cave NP in South Dakota)
Because of Trump’s unprecedented attempt to gag the Americans who maintain these parks from expressing their own expertise, I will be updating this over the coming days. Check back, and feel free to add updates/suggestions to the comments! —JC (26 January 2017)
Most National Parks and National Historic Sites are now on Twitter, and the daily outpouring of American history, alluring photos, and new discoveries at the parks near you makes for a good addition to your stream which, if it’s like mine, spends too much time stomping around in kittycat images and Russian Trumpbots.
Many of the National Park Service streams are often tended by people—experts in their fields—who get excited about nature and history and have a passion for protecting the places held in the public trust. For example, the African Burial Ground (a delightfully active one for such a small site) might share a resource for researching your slave ancestors in Virginia or link to a database that details the machinations of the slave trade. Other feeds may be manned by rangers who can answer history questions for you.
But now these forums are under attack from the Trump Administration, which is attempting to control their messages. Now is the time to show your support to these rangers and these sites by following them.
In addition to these, follow the covert tweetings of @AltNatParkSer, which calls itself the “Unofficial ‘Resistance’ team of U.S. National Park Service. Not taxpayer subsidised!”
Twitter is an opportunity to spread our shared history. It’s a digital version of an oral tradition. That’s why the Library of Congress is preserving every public tweet sent. (I went to the bowels of the Madison building, where they’re kept, and I made a video of the visit.)
If you know of more excellent NPS streams (only official ones, please, and I’m leaving out accounts used for non-edifying fire warnings and winter road alerts), add them to the comments section and I’ll update the list.
There are some abandoned accounts and some clunkers in here — if your favorite park is letting its Twitter stream die (or if they’re allowing petty politics to quash activity), tell the rangers to spread the love (and leave me a comment). After all, if our park rangers aren’t willing to share the stories of the sites they care for, who will?
Acadia National Park, Maine: @AcadiaNPS
African Burial Ground National Monument, New York: @AFBurialGrndNPS
Allegheny Portage Railroad National Historic Site, Pennsylvania: @AlleghPortNPS
Antietam National Battlefield, Maryland: @Antietamnps1862
Assateague National Seashore, Maryland: @AssateagueNPS
Booker T. Washington National Monument, Virginia: @BookerTNPS
Boston African American National Historic Site, Massachusetts: @BOAFNPS
Boston National Historical Park, Massachusetts: @BostonNHP
Cape Cod National Seashore, Massachusetts: @CapeCodNPS
Carter G. Woodson Home National Historic Site, Washington, D.C.: @WoodsonNHS
Castle Clinton National Monument, New York: @CastleClinton
Chesapeake Bay: @ChesapeakeNPS
Clara Barton National Historic Site, Maryland: @ClaraBartonNPS
C&O Canal National Historical Park, DC, Maryland & Virginia: @CHOHTrails
Delaware Water Gap National Recreation Area, Pennsylvania & New Jersey: @DelWaterGapNPS
Federal Hall National Memorial, New York: @FederalHallNPS
Fire Island National Seashore, New York: @FireIslandNPS
Fort McHenry National Historic Site, Maryland: @FtMcHenryNPS
Fort Monroe National Monument, Virginia: @FortMonroeNPS
Fort Necessity National Battlefield, Pennsylvania: @FtNecessityNPS
Fort Washington Park, Maryland: @FtWashingtonNPS
Gateway National Recreation Area, New York: @GatewayNPS
General Grant National Memorial (Grant’s Tomb), New York: @GrantsTombNPS
Gettysburg National Military Park, Pennsylvania: @GettysburgNMP
Glen Echo Park, Maryland: @GlenEchoParkNPS (also see @NPSGWMP)
Governors Island National Monument, New York: @GovIslandNPS
Guilford Courthouse National Military Park, North Carolina: @GuilfordNPS
Ellis Island, New York & New Jersey: @StatueEllisNPS
Frederick Douglass National Historic Site, Washington, D.C.: @FredDouglassNPS
Hamilton Grange National Monument, New York: @HamiltonGrngNPS
Hampton National Historic Site, Maryland: @HamptonNPS
Home of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Eleanor Roosevelt National Historic Sites, New York: @NPS_HydePark
Independence National Historical Park, Pennsylvania: @IndependenceNHP
Johnstown Flood National Memorial, Pennsylvania: @JohnstownFldNPS
Lowell National Historic Park, Massachusetts: @Lowell_NPS
Manhattan Project National Historical Park, Tennessee & New Mexico & Washington: @MnhtnProjectNPS
Mary McLeod Bethune Council House National Historic Site, Washington, D.C.: @BethuneNHS
Monocacy National Battlefield, Maryland: @Monocacynps1864
Morristown National Historic Park, New Jersey: @MorristownNPS
National Mall, Washington D.C.: @NationalMallNPS
New Bedford Whaling National Historical Park, Massachusetts: @NewBedfordNPS
New York Harbor (11 area sites): @NYHarborPrksNPS
Northeast National Parks: @NortheastNPS
Northeast NPS Museum Collections: @NPS_NMSC
Northeast Region (76 parks, Maine to Virginia): @NatlParkSvcNER
Paterson Great Falls National Historical Park, New Jersey: @Paterson_Falls
President’s Park, Washington, D.C.: @PresParkNPS
Rock Creek Park National Park, Washington D.C.: @RockCreekNPS
Roger Williams National Memorial, Rhode Island: @rowi1636
Sagamore Hill National Historic Site, New York: @SagamoreHillNHS
St. Paul’s Church National Historic Site, New York: @StPaulChurchNPS
Saint-Gaudens National Historic Site, New Hampshire: @SaintGaudensNHS
Salem Maritime National Historic Site, Massachusetts: @SalemMartimeNPS
Springfield Armory National Historic Site, Massachusetts: @SPARNHS
Statue of Liberty National Monument, New York: @StatueEllisNPS
Thaddeus Kosciuszko National Memorial, Pennsylvania: @Kosciuszkonps
Theodore Roosevelt Birthplace, New York: @TRBirthplaceNPS
Theodore Roosevelt Inaugural National Historic Site, New York: @TRInauguralSite
Thomas Edison National Historical Park, New Jersey: @ThomasEdisonNHP
Thomas Stone National Historic Site, Maryland: @ThomasStoneNHS
Valley Forge National Historic Park, Pennsylvania: @ValleyForgeNHP
Weir Farm National Historic Site, Connecticut: @WeirFarmNPS
Women’s Rights National Historical Park, New York: @WomensRightsNPS
Andersonville National Historic Site, Georgia: @AndeNHS
Appomattox Court House National Historical Park, Virginia: @AppomattoxNPS
Arlington House National Memorial (Robert E. Lee Memorial), Virginia: @ArlingtonNPS
Big Cypress National Preserve, Florida: @BiCyNPres
Big South Fork National River & Recreation Area, Tennessee & Kentucky: @BigSouthForkNRR
Biscayne National Park, Florida: @BiscayneNPS
Cape Hatteras National Seashore, North Carolina: @CapeHatterasNPS
Cape Lookout National Seashore, North Carolina: @CapeLookoutNPS
Charles Pinckney National Historic Site, South Carolina: @PinckneyNPS
Castillo De San Marcos National Monument, Florida: @CastilloNPS
Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park, Georgia & Tennessee: @ChickamaugaNPS
Colonial National Historical Park, Virginia: @ColonialParkNPS
Congaree National Park, South Carolina: @CongareeNPS
Cumberland Island National Seashore, Georgia: @CumberlandIslNP
De Soto National Memorial, Florida @DesoNM1539
Dry Tortugas National Park, Florida: @DryTortugasNPS
Everglades National Park, Florida: @EvergladesNPS
Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania County National Military Park, Virginia: @FredSpotNPS
Fort Donelson National Battlefield, Tennessee: @FortDonelsonNPS
Fort Frederica National Monument, Georgia: @FtFredericaNPS
Fort Matanzas National Monument, Florida: @FortMatanzasNPS
Fort Pulaski National Monument, Georgia: @FortPulaskiNPS
Fort Raleigh National Historic Site, North Carolina: @FortRaleighNPS
Fort Sumter National Monument, South Carolina: @FtSumterNPS
George Washington Birthplace National Monument, Virginia: @NPSGeWa
George Washington Memorial Parkway, Virginia & Maryland: @NPSGWMP
Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Tennessee: @GreatSmokyNPS
Gulf Island National Seashore, Florida & Mississippi: @GulfIslands_NPS
Harpers Ferry National Historical Park, West Virginia & Maryland: @HarpersFerryNPS
Jimmy Carter National Historic Site, Georgia: @JimmyCarterNHS1
Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park, Georgia: @KennesawNPS
Manassas National Battlefield Park, Virginia: @ManassasNPS
Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historic Site, Georgia: @MLKJrNHSNPS
Natchez National Historical Park, Mississippi: @NatchezNPS
New River Gorge National River, West Virginia: @NewRiverNPS
Obed Wild & Scenic River, Tennessee: @ObedWSR
Ocmulgee National Monument, Georgia: @OcmulgeeNPS1
Potomac Heritage National Scenic Trail, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, DC: @PotomacHeritage
Petersburg National Battlefield, Virginia: @PetersburgNPS
Prince William Forest Park, Virginia: @PWForestPark
Richmond National Battlefield Park, Virginia: @RichmondNPS
Selma to Montgomery National Historic Trail, Alabama: @March4RightsNPS
Shenandoah National Park, Virginia: @ShenandoahNPS
Shiloh National Military Park, Tennessee & Mississippi: @ShilohNPS
Star-Spangled Banner National Historic Trail, Virginia, DC & Maryland: @SSBTrail
Stones River National Battlefield, Tennessee: @StonesRiverNPS
Timucuan National Preserve, Florida: @TimucuanNPS
Wolf Trap National Park for the Performing Arts, Virginia: @Wolf_Trap_NPS
Wright Brothers National Memorial, North Carolina: @WrightBrosNPS
Midwest and Rockies
Amistad National Recreation Area, Texas: @AmistadNPS
Badlands National Park, South Dakota: @BadlandsNPS
Bear Paw Battlefield, Montana: @BearPawNPS
Big Bend National Park and Rio Grande Wild & Scenic River, Texas: @BigBendNPS
Big Hole Battlefield, Montana: @BigHoleNPS
Big Thicket National Preserve, Texas: @BigThicketNPS
Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park, Colorado: @BlackCanyonNPS
Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, Montana & Wyoming: @BighornCanynNRA
Brown v. Board of Education National Historic Site, Kansas: @BRVB_NHS
Buffalo National River, Arkansas: @BuffaloNPS
Cane River Creole National Historical Park, Louisiana: @CaneRiverCreole
Capitol Reef National Park, Utah: @CapitolReefNPS
Central High School National Historic Site, Arkansas: @CentralHighNPS
Charles Young Buffalo Soldiers National Monument, Ohio: @CharlesYoungNPS
Chickasaw National Recreation Area, Oklahoma: @ChickasawNPS
Curecanti National Recreation Area, Colorado: @CurecantiNPS
Cuyahoga Valley National Park, Ohio: @CVNPNPS
Dayton Aviation Heritage Historical Park, Ohio: @DaytonNHP
Devils Tower National Monument, Wyoming: @TowerRanger
Dinosaur National Monument, Utah & Colorado: @DinosaurNPS
Florissant Fossil Beds National Monument, Colorado: @FlorissantNPS
Fort Laramie National Historic Site, Wyoming: @FortLaramieNPS
Fort Larned National Historic Site, Kansas: @FortLarnedNPS
Fort Smith National Historic Site, Arkansas: @FortSmithNHS
George Rogers Clark National Historical Park, Indiana: @GeorgeRClarkNPS
George Washington Carver National Monument, Missouri: @GWCarverNPS
Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska: @GlacierBayNPS
Glacier National Park, Montana: @glaciernps
Grand Portage National Monument, Minnesota: @NPSGrPo
Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming: @GrandTetonNPS
Harry S Truman National Historic Site, Missouri: @HarrySTrumanNPS
Homestead National Memorial, Nebraska: @HomesteadNM
Hoover Historic Site, Iowa: @HooverNPS
Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, Indiana: @IndianaDunesNPS
James A. Garfield National Historic Site, Ohio: @GarfieldNPS
Jean Lafitte National Historical Park and Preserve, Louisiana: @JeanLafitteNPS
Keweenaw National Historic Site, Michigan: @KeweenawNPS
Lincoln Boyhood National Memorial, Indiana: @LincolnBoyhood
Lincoln Home National Historic Site, Illinois: @LincolnHomeNPS
Little Bighorn National Monument, Montana: @LittleBigNPS
Lyndon B. Johnson National Historical Park, Texas: @LBJohnsonNPS
Mammoth Cave National Park, Kentucky: @MammothCaveNP
Midwest Region administration: @MidWestNPS
Minuteman Missile National Historic Site, South Dakota: @MIMI_Ranger
Nez Perce National Historical Park, Idaho, Montana, Oregon & Washington: @NezPerceNP
Niobrara National Scenic River, Nebraska & South Dakota: @NiobraraNSR
Ozark National Scenic Riverways, Missouri: @OzarkNPS
Padre Island National Seashore, Texas: @PadreIslandNPS
Palo Alto Battlefield National Historical Site, Texas: @PaloAltoNPS
Rocky Mountain National Park: @RMNPOfficial
San Antonio Mission National Historical Park, Texas: @MissionsNPS
Scotts Bluff National Monument, Nebraska: @ScottsBluffNPS
Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, Michigan: @SleepingBearNPS
Theodore Roosevelt National Park, North Dakota: @TRooseveltNPS
Ulysses S. Grant National Historic Site, Missouri: @USGrantNPS
Washita Battlefield National Historic Site, Oklahoma: @WashitaNPS
William Howard Taft National Historic Site, Ohio: @WilliamTaftNPS
Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming & Montana: @YellowstoneNPS
Arches National Park, Utah: @ArchesNPS
Bandelier National Monument, New Mexico: @BandelierNPS
Bryce Canyon National Park, Utah: @BryceCanyonNPS
Capitol Reef National Park, Utah: @CapitolReefNPS
Capulin Volcano National Monument, New Mexico: @CapulinNPS
Casa Grande Ruins National Monument, Arizona: @CasaGrandeNPS
Canyonlands National Park, Utah: @CanyonlandsNPS
Chaco Culture National Historical Park, New Mexico: @ChacoCultureNHP
Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona: @GrandCanyonNPS
Great Basin National Park, Nevada: @GreatBasinNPS
Homestead National Memorial, New Mexico: @HomesteadNM
Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Nevada: @LakeMeadNRA
Montezuma Castle National Monument, Arizona: @MontezumaNPS
Pecos National Historical Park, New Mexico: @PecosNHP
Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona: @PetrifiedNPS
Petroglyph National Monument, New Mexico: @PetroglyphNPS
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, Michigan: @PicturedRocksNL
Saguaro National Park, Arizona: @SaguaroNPS
Timpanogos Cave National Monument, Utah: @aTimpCaveNPS
Tule Springs Fossil Beds National Monument, Nevada: @TuleSpringsNPS
Tumacácori National Historical Park, Arizona: @TumacacoriNPS
Tuzigoot National Monument, Arizona: @TuzigootNPS
White Sands National Monument, New Mexico: @WhiteSands_NPS
Zion National Park, Utah: @ZionNPS
Northwest and California
Alcatraz Island, California: @AlcatrazIsland
Cabrillo National Memorial: @CabrilloNPS
Channel Islands National Park, California: @CHISNPS
City of Rocks National Reserve, Idaho: @CityOfRocksNPS
Crater Lake National Park, Oregon: @CraterLakeNPS
Death Valley National Park, California: @DeathValleyNPS
Devils Postpile National Monument, California: @DevilsPostNPS
Fort Point National Historic Site, California: @FortPointNPS
Fort Vancouver National Historic Site and the Pearson Air Museum, Washington & Oregon: @FtVancouverNPS & @PearsonAirMus
Golden Gate National Recreation Area, California: @GoldenGateNPS
John Day Fossil Beds National Monument, Oregon: @JDFossilBedsNPS
John Muir National Historic Site, California: @JohnMuirNPS
Joshua Tree National Park, California: @JoshuaTreeNP
Juan Bautista de Anza National Historic Trail, California: @AnzaTrailNPS
Kings Canyon National Park, California: @SequoiaKingsNPS
Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park, Washington: @KLGRSeattleNPS
Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area, Washington: @LkRooseveltNPS
Lassen Volcanic National Park, California: @LassenNPS
Lava Beds National Monument, California: @LavaBedsNPS
Muir Woods National Monument, California: @MuirWoodsNPS
Mount Rainier National Park, Washington: @MountRainierNPS
North Cascades National Park Complex, Washington: @NCascadesNPS
Olympic National Park, Washington: @OlympicNP
Oregon Caves National Monument, Oregon: @OregonCavesNPS
Pinnacles National Park: @PinnaclesNPS
Point Reyes National Seashore, California: @PointReyesNPS
The Presidio, California: @PresidioSF
Redwoods National and State Parks, California: @RedwoodNPS
Rosie the Riveter/WWII Home Front National Historical Park, California: @RosieRiveterNPS
San Francisco Maritime National Historical Park, California: @SFMaritimeNPS
San Juan Island National Historical Park, Washington: @SanJuanIsNPS
Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area, California: @SantaMonicaMtns
Sequoia National Park & Kings Canyon National Park, California: @SequoiaKingsNPS
Whitman Mission National Historic Site, Washington: @WhitmanMission
Yosemite National Park, California: @YosemiteNPS
Alaska, Hawaii, territories
Ala Kahakai National Historic Trail, Hawaii: @AlaKahakaiNPS
American Memorial Park, Northern Mariana Islands, Saipan: @AmericanMemorialNPS
American Samoa National Park, American Samoa: @NPamericansamoa
Alaska (all 17 parks and sites): @AlaskaNPS
Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, Alaska: @BeringLandNPS
Cape Krusenstern National Memorial, Alaska: @CKrusensternNPS
Denali National Park, Alaska: @DenaliNPS
Gates of the Arctic National Park & Preserve, Alaska: @GatesArcticNPS
Haleakalá National Park, Hawaii: @HaleakalaNPS
Kalaupapa National Historical Park, Hawaii: @KalaupapaNPS
Katmai National Park, Alaska: @KatmaiNPS
Kenai Fjords National Park, Alaska: @KenaiFjordsNPS
Klondike National Park, Alaska: @KlondikeAKNPS
Kaloko-Honokohau National Historic Park, Hawaii: @KalokoNPS
Kobuk Valley National Park & Preserve, Alaska: @KobukValleyNPS
Lake Clark National Park & Preserve, Alaska: @LakeClarkNPS
Noatak National Park, Alaska: @NoatakNPS
Puuhonua o Honaunau National Historical Park, Hawaii: @PuuhonuaNPS
San Juan National Historic Site, Puerto Rico: @SanJuanNPS
Sitka National Historical Park, Alaska: @SitkaNPS
Volcanoes National Park, Hawaii: @Volcanoes_NPS
War in the Pacific National Historical Park, Guam: @WarInPacificNPS
Wrangell- St. Elias National Park & Preserve, Alaska: @WrangellStENPS
World War II Valor in the Pacific National Monument, Hawaii & California & Alaska: @WWIIValorNPS
Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve, Alaska: @YukonCharleyNPS
Main: @NatlParkService
Archeology Program: @NPSArcheology
American Battlefield Protection Program: @ABPPNPS
Denver Service Center (planning, design, construction): @DenSrvcCtrNPS
Department of the Interior: @Interior
Civil War sites: @NPS_CivilWar
Cultural Landscapes Program: @NPSParkCLP
Investigative Services Branch: @SpecialAgentNPS
National Capital Region Inventory & Monitoring (management through science): @NPSCaptlAreaSci
National Park Emergency Operations: @NPSEMR_SEast
National Park Foundation (official charitable partner): @GoParks
National Park Service Natural Resource Stewardship & Science Directorate: @NatureNPS
Northeast Regional Office of NPS Interpretation and Education Training: @NEROInterpLnD
NPMap (digital map makers): @npmap
NPS Climate Change (tracks climate change in the parks): @ClimateNPS
Office of Relevancy, Diversity, and Inclusion (no tweets since 2014): @Office_RDI_NPS
Park Stores (merchandise): @NPSParkStores
The Urban Agenda (engaging urban citizens): @NPSUrban
Youth Programs: @NPSYouth

Follow them all. Support free speech. Protect public lands. Once they’re gone, you can’t get them back.
Please add the official account for the NPS Inventory & Monitoring program in the National Capital Region:
You are missing @Muir_Woods in California.
Oops. My mistake. The official Muir Woods twitter feed is @MuirWoodsNPS
You’re mising @LassenNPS in CA
Thanks, Amanda, Craig, and NCRM I&M — got ’em now! Now let’s hope they keep those streams updated with captivating info about each area. If they don’t do it, who will?
Great post! As a DC tour guide and avid twitter, I’m disappointed at the poor showing of the National Mall monuments. Especially compared to the African Burial Ground, which really sets the standard for public engagement.
Thank you so much for putting this together.
We are a new addition to Twitter as of today!! @WomensRightsNHP Women’s Rights National Historical Park, Seneca Falls, NY (Birthplace of Women’s Rights)
Thanks for the support.
How about adding @anzatrailNPS? It’s and NPS site, part of the National Trails System.
Thanks to everyone. Your suggestions have been added. Keep them coming!
All the Virginia parks are in the Northeast Region. You are missing COLO and STSP. And a certain very prominent administrative official who is a champion Twitter enthusiast.
Thanks, Deanna. I have added the two missing parks, but I left the Virginia parks in the Southeast because I think that, contrary to the federal government’s classification, most Americans think of Virginia as Southern — a classification that might be backed up by the fact that so many of its National Park units concern its membership in the Confederacy. But who is this prominent official? I don’t put a lot of non-unit Twitter accounts on this list, but now you’ve got me curious.
Hey, you missed us, Jason. Bill the Peacock and I tweet at @FredSpotNPS. We are Fredericksburg & Spotsylvania National Military Park.
Russ Smith (Supt.)
Thanks, Russ! I’ve added you, and on Independence Day, no less. I recently visited your areas, and I’ll be watching your Twitter feed for fascinating facts and historical information from the experts.
This is absolutely exceptional. Bravo and well done. The Presidio in SF is considered a NP. @presidioSF http://twitter.com/presidiosf
Found this useful list on Google. Thank you.
One to add to the northeast section: National Mall NPS @NationalMallNPS
This account from the same section seems to be no more: National Capital Parks-East @DCParksEastNPS . Too bad. Seems there’s enough going on to support it. Oh well.
Chattahoochee River National Park. Sandy Springs (Atlanta), GA (@ChattahoocheeNP): https://twitter.com/ChattahoocheeNP?s=09
The NPS and the individual parks are also working their accounts and alternate accounts on instagram, and they need support. I tagged @nationalparkservice on one post last night, and by this morning six different park accounts had followed my account or liked pics. Here’s the “alt” account on IG: https://www.instagram.com/altusnatparkser/ .
This is most fabulous, thank you for doing this!! It’d be great if these were also listed in a Google Drive Spreadsheet… Just makes for easier reading.
Great Post .I like it. Thanks for sharing.
Great Post . Thank you so much for putting this together.I like it.