
List of National Park units on Twitter (Updated)


Many of the National Park Service streams are often tended by people—experts in their fields—who get excited about nature and history and have a passion for protecting the places held in the public trust. For example, the African Burial Ground (a delightfully active one for such a small site) might share a resource for researching your slave ancestors in Virginia or link to a database that details the machinations of the slave trade. Other feeds may be manned by rangers who can answer history questions for you.

Signs that your favorite website is a post mill


Post mills can undermine the Fourth Estate, allow marketing and PR departments to manipulate our media as their mouthpiece, and leave the watchdogs sleeping. An entire generation of people is growing up without an understanding that the people who bring them their news have hastily recycled it, without checking how it got to them.

Seven things Facebook and Google get wrong about you


Most of the major sites we use now purport to be able to “customize” what they show you based on what you’ve looked at before. But this worrying fascination is built on some logical lapses about who we are and what our behavior really exposes about ourselves.

You are being erased


Your biographer is screwed. You are leaving nearly nothing behind. While you pour your energies and thoughts into the machine sitting in front of you, you are leaving nearly nothing about you that your descendants will be able to find. You know it’s true. Compared to your parents, or your grandparents, what are you handing… Read more »