Six seconds to air in Philadelphia, but where’s Jason’s head?

Today was a day lived at light speed. Press event, work, lunch with a colleague, more work, coffee with a friend from Tourism Australia, more writing. The frenetic pace carried right into Fox News’ newsroom. The stage manager grabs me late, and then I was placed in this seat (a new one for me) at the very last possible moment before my “hit.” Literally seconds. Earpiece in. As soon as it’s in my head, or so I think, Philly tells me that I’m on in 10 seconds.

Trouble was, the top of my head was still out of frame. For all the world was about to know, I still had hair. I relay this urgent information to the guy on the floor with none of the sense of urgency that the situation actually called for. Frame hastily jerked up, and go!

I think we were all having an off day. But it still came off — much like my IFB earpiece — even if the crush made me deliver something that was somewhat more hyperbolic than the original post I wrote about this topic for WalletPop.

As soon as I was out of the chair, I was back on the subway (which runs alongside the studio, pretty much) and in the Lower East side for the latest Restless Legs reading series. There, I caught up with a bunch of my favorite travel peeps, including the people behind Nomadic Matt (whom I interviewed yesterday on camera for WalletPop — stay tune for that), Legal Nomads, Budget Travel, EuroCheapo, Gadling, and The Lost Girls.

A busy day is a good day.

One Response to “Six seconds to air in Philadelphia, but where’s Jason’s head?”

  1. Kristen Malaby Neer

    Just imagine if you had caffiene in that coffee, the airport ride was just as frentic but at least it wasn’t televised 🙂 chat at a slower pace later