
Manzanar, where decent Americans were destroyed [WATCH]


The history of the United States could fairly viewed as a succession of excuses for not living up to its contractual obligations. All men were not created equal, according to the Declaration of Independence: Slaves were allowed. The Supreme Court said the Cherokees were a sovereign nation: The South took their land anyway. Every citizen… Read more »

Revisiting Rosewood, Florida, today [WATCH]


We pass desultory intersections like Rosewood’s every day. And we will never know how many of them were once the settings for brutal events, in which Americans, believing they were right and on the side of God, were in fact the instruments of something sinister and evil.

My in-depth Ken Burns interview

My interview with Ken Burns, published in time for the premiere of Baseball: The Tenth Inning on PBS, is here! I’ve chopped it into three bits for your digestion. Think of them as three more innings: You may remember I was all a-titter about meeting him on the day we shot this. I was so… Read more »