personalized content

Congress demands answers on privacy from Disney: the letter


Today, Edward Markey (D-Mass.) wrote The Walt Disney Company CEO Bob Iger demanding answers about the new MyMagic+ “magic bands” RFID-based wristbands that are being implemented at the Orlando theme parks. “As a Co-Chairman of the Congressional Bi-partisan Privacy Caucus, I am deeply concerned that Disney’s proposal could potentially have a harmful impact on our… Read more »

Why I prefer books


Books are benevolent furniture. They are organic, and like wood, they give a room a certain vibration. I’m satisfied to read a few titles in their luminous, disposable form, but overall, I still prefer books because they become more luminous when they are not disposed of.

Seven things Facebook and Google get wrong about you


Most of the major sites we use now purport to be able to “customize” what they show you based on what you’ve looked at before. But this worrying fascination is built on some logical lapses about who we are and what our behavior really exposes about ourselves.

How the Web destroyed our economy


You’re going to think I’m nuts. But I’m growing convinced: The Web has trashed the American economy. Back in the ’20s, mass production transformed the way we made and bought things. Henry Ford and his magnate brethren learned how to make vast quantities of consumer items quickly, and to sell those consumer items, they had… Read more »

The Tyranny of the Click


Do you even know what’s happening to your news? Media companies are tracking the hot terms that people are searching for from minute to minute, and when those terms come up on their computers, there’s a little button. Hit that button and a new rough draft is created with those search terms as the topic…. Read more »

It’s content you want to see!


I can’t be the only one who hates when sites only show me stuff based on what I like. “Personalization,” they call it. Choice. Customization. “Navel-gazing,” I do. Far too many sites and apps are doing this. Based on the ads it shows me, Facebook has me boiled down to a neat consumerist stereotype of… Read more »