One of the many destructive realities of working in a corporate-dominated economy, besides the political graft that’s dismantling democracy, is that corporations have no interest in memory. The one that originally published this interview I did with Anthony Bourdain in February 2011 has already purged it from its archives in pursuit of other failed projects… Read more »
Rudolph Valentino Died 90 Years Ago Today (So the Woman in Black Returned)
As they have done for 89 years since, Rudolph Valentino’s fans gathered at 12:10 pm in the mausoleum at Hollywood Forever Cemetery to pay tribute—songs, praise, sermons about the eternal life of fame.
Why I’m Leaving Facebook—And the Reason May Surprise You
If you clicked on this because of that dumb teaser headline, that’s why I’m leaving Facebook. It’s not totally because the privacy concerns. Yes, they are annoying, particularly when the company keeps nibbling away at both its promises and your ability to choose what to make public. When we signed up for social media, we all agreed to… Read more »
I have self-diagnosed myself with omnisciencia. It’s the debilitating state that develops when you try to keep up with everything that’s going on.
Hatch Show Print in Nashville: iconic style, letter by letter [WATCH]
You may not know the name Hatch Show Print, but you know the style. Its block letters are visually synonymous with Nashville and country music history. I was lucky enough to be invited behind the scenes, and my video shows just how damn cool it is.
10 failed movies and TV shows redeemed by later success
At the time? Embarrassing. Now? Fun! Strange how a few years makes you see the joy that was intended.
Seven things Facebook and Google get wrong about you
Most of the major sites we use now purport to be able to “customize” what they show you based on what you’ve looked at before. But this worrying fascination is built on some logical lapses about who we are and what our behavior really exposes about ourselves.
You are being erased
Your biographer is screwed. You are leaving nearly nothing behind. While you pour your energies and thoughts into the machine sitting in front of you, you are leaving nearly nothing about you that your descendants will be able to find. You know it’s true. Compared to your parents, or your grandparents, what are you handing… Read more »
The Tyranny of the Click
Do you even know what’s happening to your news? Media companies are tracking the hot terms that people are searching for from minute to minute, and when those terms come up on their computers, there’s a little button. Hit that button and a new rough draft is created with those search terms as the topic…. Read more »
Enough is not enough anymore, and everything is ‘over’
Today, a singer-songwriter I like, Jay Brannan, had an outburst on his Facebook page: “when an item or article of clothing wears out or breaks, i want to replace it with EXACTLY the same thing. the idea of “discontinuing” or “redesigning” ruins life.” Soon after, he tweeted the same thought, refining it: “the idea of… Read more »