What can I say about this one? In the green room, the monitor was showing Bill O’Reilly doing his pre-tapes for guests for Thursday’s show. Dennis Miller did his segment, and John McCain was starting his just as I was called to sit in the chair. It’s nothing short of distracting to hear him prepping… Read more »
Behold! The Library of Congress’ Twitter stacks are revealed!
A few weeks ago, the Library of Congress announced that it would be archiving every public tweet ever sent on Twitter. So I thought it would be a fun idea to head down to Washington, DC, and find out exactly where all those tweets would indeed be living, and why such an esteemed archival entity… Read more »
One hour ago in Philly…
I’m talkin’ scams. What I said is really true, by the way. Someone really did try to call me this very morning to get personal information out of me. Don’t do it, America! By the way, did you know Chef Boyardee is a real person?
Two days ago in Philadelphia…
Watch my media training in action on Fox Philly! I was not expecting to hear the question about college kids starting businesses. But I was prepared to talk about major brands that are named after real people. So I doggedly went after that angle instead. “Did you know Chef Boyardee was a real guy?” I… Read more »
Me and my ‘Knight Rider’ short shorts
I am showing this to you first because you love me more. It’s me at It’s a Wrap in the Valley, where costumes from Hollywood TV and movie wardrobe departments are sold as vintage for cheap. Battlestar Galactica was on the list of shows that had clothes represented in the inventory, but try as I… Read more »
Last week in Philadelphia…
I was on TV. Ever had a conversation with someone you can’t see and who isn’t there? What sounds an awful lot like insanity is, in fact, the way a modern satellite interview works. I’m in New York City’s Fox News studio, talking to a camera about debt settlement rip-offs and Groupon while newsroom employees… Read more »